A special present from Merton College
Saturday 12th December
We may have had to cancel the Advent Concert due to the panedemic, but the choir of Merton College has recorded a special recital for us instead. Their Director of Music, Benjamin Nicholas, has sent, along with the link below, a personal message:
“We are so disappointed not to be able to visit Edington this weekend to sing a concert of Advent and Christmas music for you. The time we spend rehearsing and giving concerts each December is usually one of the most enjoyable periods for the choir – they pressures of the University term are over, and the choir has a chance to enjoy each other’s company as well as trips to wonderful places such as Edington! Of course, this has been a term like no other. I am grateful that we have been able to sing our usual pattern of services as well as recording two broadcasts for BBC Radio 3. That the choir has managed to stay healthy, and to cope with singing at a distance from each other, is nothing short of a miracle! One of the positives of the last few months has been having audio/visual equipment installed in the Chapel, through these means we have been able to put together a short recital for you to mark what should have been our concert in the Priory. I hope that you enjoy this selection of music, and that we are able to come to Edington in the near future to sing to you in person. With best wishes for Christmas, Ben Nicholas.”
You will be able to watch this recording until January 6th. Happy Christmas to you all!