Advent Concert
Saturday 4th December
Time 7.30pm
The Edington Arts Advent Concert is back! On Saturday 4th December in the Priory Church at 7.30pm, the choir of Keble College Oxford will return to perform a wonderful selection of choral music for Advent and Christmas. Their last visit to Edington in 2018 with Matthew Martin was one of our best concerts, and under their new Director Paul Brough the choir is reaching new heights. Released from a year of learning and rehearsing via Zoom, their delight in being able to rehearse and perform live is palpable.
We shall be running this concert according to whatever Government Covid guidelines are in force at the time, and unless anything goes badly wrong between now and then, we intend reintroducing our interval mulled wine and mince pies.
A limited amount of socially distanced seating is available if you ask either Chrissy when you phone 01380 831256 or email [email protected] to book your tickets. Otherwise, we will be allocating seats in the front and rear nave on payment, while seats in the remainder of the church will be unreserved.
We will upload details of the programme here as soon as we have them from Keble. In the mean time, don’t delay booking your tickets as demand is already brisk
Front Nave £20, Rear Nave £15 both allocated; sides £10 unreserved. Angels 10% discount, 18 and under come free.
Book your tickets