Jazz piano from Rossano Sportiello
Friday 12th May
Time 7.30pm
A return visit from famed jazz pianist Rossano Sportiello, his third to this part of Wiltshire. Maggie first met him in in 2004, his first appearance in the UK when he was playing in a group touring jazz Festivals throughout the UK. Maggie ‘bagged’ him for her Woking Jazz Circle and he has appeared for her nearly every year since then.
Rossano was born in Vigevano, Italy, and studied at the Milan Music Academy – at which point he discovered that he preferred jazz to classical piano and joined the Milano Jazz Gang. The rest, as they say, is history.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to hear jazz piano played by a master!
Tickets £12, phone Maggie Atterbury on 01380 830452
Book your tickets

Roassano, doing what he does best